Presbyterian Women (PW) is an organisation for women of all ages to share fellowship and get to know each other better.

We are a Christian organisation focusing on the missions of our church both at home and across the world. We also seek to present Christ as Saviour to those who don’t know Him and to challenge Christian women to a deeper relationship with Christ.

We meet once a month from September to March on the second Tuesday of the month at 8pm. Each meeting is informal, including a time of praise followed by either a speaker or a Bible study and there’s always time for a chat and a cuppa at the close of our evening!

If you haven’t been before we would be delighted to welcome you.

We had our 2019 PW Service on Sunday 10th March. Our speaker was Maria Weber, we enjoyed hearing her most challenging and interesting testimony and she also told us about her work, along side her husband, Istvan as marriage councillors.

PW Choir 2019
Maria Weber (Hungary)